Former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O Panneerselvam, OPS, as he is known in the political circle, on Monday "dissolved" the "fake general council" of the AIADMK that expelled him and his supporters from the party in July last year.
In a big win for team EPS (AIADMK interim chief Edappadi K Palaniswami), the Madras High Court today rejected the challenge by rival leader O Panneerselvan (OPS) to his expulsion from the party and the former's elevation.
In a big win for team Edappadi K Palaniswami (EPS), the Madras High Court rejected all petitions filed by the deposed O Panneerselvam (OPS) and his aides against the resolutions of the July 11, 2022 party general council and the conduct of the general secretary election, the 68-year old interim general secretary was announced elected unanimously to the top post at the party headquarters by the ele