PUTRAJAYA: Police have nabbed 946 individuals for various standard operating procedure (SOP) violations, says Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
JOHOR BARU: Some 82 compound notices amounting to RM210,500 have been issued statewide during the first two days of lockdown here.
Johor police chief Comm Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said that a total of 470 standard operating procedure (SOP) monitoring teams involving 1,598 policemen have been assigned to check on SOP compliance during the lockdown. Some 17,512 premises have been checked during the first two days of the lockdown. This includes malls, commercial, industrial, recreational and educational centres, restaurants, transport terminals, business premises and places of worship. As of June 2, the compliance rate towards the SOP stands at 97%, he said in a statement Thursday (June 3).
PETALING JAYA: A total of 939 individuals were issued compound notices while 47 others were remanded for movement control order (MCO) violations on Wednesday (June 2).