you know, i was aware of countries they were studying. a couple of weeks ago we studied on russia. it wasn t that i wasn t aware of the countries they were studying. when we went over russia and i asked her questions about certain things as any parent does when they bring their school work home, i asked about the burka with the assumption it was a cultural thing. of course, you know, i hate to say i was ignorant in the, you know, the oppression side of it too. you know, you trust the school. you re in a small town. you re assuming they re, you know, doing their best, you know. you know, i really didn t have any idea until that point until i started questioning her and looking at the school work and asking her in detail what was going on and when i started reading the work sheets and seeing what they were studying on is when i became alarmed and when i began to ask her more questions. gretchen: the part you were alarmed about is how they were talking about the freedom fighters and sort