The British government named Murayev as one of Russia's top picks to lead Ukraine were it to invade the country. Murayev, a critic of Ukraine's pro-Western government, has dismissed the claim.
The British government named Murayev as one of Russia's top picks to lead Ukraine were it to invade the country. Murayev, a critic of Ukraine's pro-Western government, has dismissed the claim.
The British government named Murayev as one of Russia's top picks to lead Ukraine were it to invade the country. Murayev, a critic of Ukraine's pro-Western government, has dismissed the claim.
The British government named Murayev as one of Russia's top picks to lead Ukraine were it to invade the country. Murayev, a critic of Ukraine's pro-Western government, has dismissed the claim.
The Russian government is rejecting a British report alleging that it has a leader in mind for installation after a potential invasion of Ukraine. In a