In an apparent softening of stance, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, who is also the Shiv Sena President, on Tuesday appealed to the rebel group camping in Guwahati to return and hold discussions, but rebel leader and state minister Eknath Shinde indirectly spurned the latest overtures.
In an apparent softening of stance, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, who is also the Shiv Sena President, on Tuesday appealed to the rebel group camping in Guwahati to return and hold discussions, but rebel leader and state minister Eknath Shinde indirectly spurned the latest overtures.
A Mumbai court on Monday extended the police custody of activist-lawyer Gunratan Sadavarte, one of the prime accused in the attack on NCP supremo Sharad Pawar s residence, by 2 days till Wednesday, officials said here.Sadavarte, the lawyer of .