Mass death, mass unemployment, mass hunger and suffering among children. This two sides in congress to be addressing those challenges together, now more than ever while so many are so fearful about tomorrow. The rules that the senate goes by and the agreement the senate makes needs to stand for something. Thats how i felt when i negotiated with a 600 a week Unemployment Insurance boost in march. The treasury secretary for the republicans agreed to it but at the last minute, republican senators pretended otherwise and tried to vote it out of the bi bill. Think about that. It was an agreement between both sidesha and one thing Senate Republicans wanted to do was break the agreement and keep working to get them money to pay the rent and the food bill. At a time they had been laid off through no fault of their own. Another example is unfolding right before our eyes. Until a few weeks ago, Peter Mcconnell and chairman graham would have toldas you it was the 11th commandment carved in stone,
The presiding officer pursuant to rule 4, paragraph 2, the senate having been in continuous session, the senate will suspend for a prayer from the senate chaplain. The chaplain let us pray. Holy god, as our lawmakers strive on this decisive day in history to accomplish your purposes, show them how to discern your will. May they renew their minds through the in yourishment of your an hourishment of your holly word. Lord, prepare them to be sober minded and filled with your spirit, accomplishing the tasks that receive your approval. Lord, keep them from conforming to worldly impulses, as they strive to ensure that their conduct will rightly represent you. May they conduct themselves with holiness, godliness, and civility, waiting for the day when you will return to establish your kingdom on earth. Lord, prepare us all to stand before you in peace without spot or blemish. We pray in your powerful name. Amen. Mr. Lee mr. President. The presiding officer the senator from utah. Mr. Lee mr. P
Bill despite talks on capitol hill last week. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell says lawmakers will be given 24 24 hours notice to return to capitol hill to vote if a deal is reached. The presiding officer the senate will come to order. The chaplain will lead the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. O god our refuge and strength, give us reverence for your greatness. Guide our senators around the pitfalls of their work, enabling them to have hearts sustained by your peace. May they surrender their will to you, as they trust you to guide their lives. Lord, give them the wisdom to receive your reproof with the understanding that you chastise those whom you love for their good. Make their lives productive for the glory of your name. Mighty god, protect the oppressed and helpless, preserving them from evil. We pray in your great name, amen. The presiding officer join me in reciting the pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic
Affiliation. This is the first opportunity on the senate floor to offer a word about kamala harris, one of our colleagues in a historic move was asked by another former Senate Colleague of the Vice President joe biden in his preferred nominee to be Vice President of the United States. Ive come to know senator harrison or four years in the senate through her service on then Judiciary Committee and the intelligence committee, her publicservice track record is a significant one worthy of praise from her work as a District Attorney in the line prosecuteds no untrained and in San Francisco where she focused on trying to keep her Community Safe to services, California Attorney general running the portfolio toe include Environmental Justice and Consumer Protection and her work tin the senate since 2016. What i find so compelling about senator harris to her track record of Public Service during her long career as her personal story raises the child into immigrants and jamaican father and india
On cspan. Org. The senate is weighing in on defense policies for 2021. And now to live coverage. Senate here on cspan2. To or. The chaplain, dr. Black, will lead the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Eternal god, thank you for the gift of this day. Open the minds of our lawmakers and give them a vision of the unlimited possibilities available to those who trust you as their guide. May our senators embrace a hugh millty embrace a humility that seeks first to understand rather than to be understood. Inspire them to seek your wisdom as you sustain them with your grace, mercy, and peace. Lord, remind them that you will judge their fruits, productivey and faithfulness. We pray in your strong name. Amen. The president pro tempore please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. Grassley madam president.