Committee. This first portion is just under three hours. [inaudible conversations] the Senate Committee on health, education, labor and pensions will come to order. Today is a busy day. As we all know very important both will be taking place, republicans of knickers will be meeting in their caucuses so people are going to be coming in and out. I also think that this hearing is important enough that we extend the time for questioning from the usual five minutes to seven minutes, if thats okay with folks. Let me begin by welcoming the ceos of Bristol Myers squibb, chris berner, we thank you for being here. Ceo merck robert davis, we thank you for being here. And the Seahawks Johnson johnson Joaquin Duato for being with us this morning. Thanks very much. There is a lot of discussion in our nation about how divided our people are on many issues. And that is absolutely true, but on one of the most important issues facing our country, the American People whether democrats, republicans come i
Three hours. The Senate Committee on Health Education labor will come to order. Today is a busy day, as we all know. Republicans, democrats will be meeting in their caucuses so people will be coming in and out. I also think that this hearing is important enough that we extend the time for questioning from the usual five minutes to seven minutes, if thats ok with folks. Let me begin by welcoming the ceos of Bristol Myers squibb, chris berner, we thank you for being here. Ceo merck robert davis, we thank you for being here. And the ceo of Johnson Johnson Joaquin Duato for being with us this morning. Thanks very much. There is a lot of discussion in our nation about how divided our people are on many issues. And that is absolutely true, but on one of the most important issues facing our country, the American People whether democrats, republicans come in the pesco conservatives, progresses could not be more united. Issues. And that is absolutely true, but on one of the most important issue
Committee. This first portion is just under three hours. [inaudible conversations] the Senate Committee on health, education, labor and pensions will come to order. Today is a busy day. As we all know very important both will be taking place, republicans of knickers will be meeting in their caucuses so people are going to be coming in and out. I also think that this hearing is important enough that we extend the time for questioning from the usual five minutes to seven minutes, if thats okay with folks. Let me begin by welcoming the ceos of Bristol Myers squibb, chris berner, we thank you for being here. Ceo merck robert davis, we thank you for being here. And the Seahawks Johnson johnson Joaquin Duato for being with us this morning. Thanks very much. There is a lot of discussion in our nation about how divided our people are on many issues. And that is absolutely true, but on one of the most important issues facing our country, the American People whether democrats, republicans come i
There was a moment of silence for donald payne, jr. Who died recently and who served on the committee. The committee on Homeland Security will come to order, without objection the chair may declare the committee in recess at any point. Before we have the hearing, id like to take a moment to recognize the loss of our dear friend on this committee, Congress Donald payne, jr. And his legacy, along with his fathers legacy will serve as a reminder to us all what it means to be a true public servant. I really appreciated the time that i got to work with congressman payne on the Colorectal Cancer caucus. He was a fierce fighter against that disease. I now recognize for a moment the Ranking Member, Ranking Member thompson to honor the life and legacy of representative payne. Thank you so much, mr. Chairman. This morning, we remember the life of congressman donald m. Payne, jr. Our colleague and friend. He was a union worker, a toll collector, he literally kept the buses of excess county, new j
Major investis in our countrys history by the u. S. House and senate. Each week, writers and historians tell the stories and see historic footage from the periods and examine the impacts of key congressional hearings. This week we look at the investigation that followed the deadly 1993 siege at the Branch Davidian compound near waco, texas and what its meant in the years that followed. Watch congress investigates, 7 p. M. Eastern on saturdays, cspan2. Up next, state and local Law Enforcement officials talk about the challenges facing their local agencies. Some of the topics covered include gun violence, Work Force Recruitment and retention and the ongoing fentanyl crisis and shared by congressman mark greene. At the start of the hearing there was a moment of silence for donald payne, jr. Who died recently and who served on the committee. The committee on Homeland Security will come to order, without objection the chair may declare the committee in recess at any point. Before we have th