Oppo Reno 8 Pro has launched with Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 SoC while the Reno 8, Reno 8 Pro+ sides with MediaTek Dimensity chips. The new Reno phones also feature a 50MP main camera, 80W charging, and Android 12.
The Oppo Reno 8 series is likely to include the vanilla Oppo Reno 8, Reno 8 Pro, and Reno 8 SE.The renders showcase the rear view of the upcoming Reno 8 series.
Oppo Reno 8 expected price in India is Rs 39999. This phone is expected to be loaded with 8 GB RAM, 128 GB Internal storage and 4500 battery. Check Oppo Reno 8 expected mobile specifications, release date and photos.