concerns aboovut cid. a.irik sargent: watom i tt,hank you. panic at latanta s hartldsfie-jksacon airport after the accidentali dscharge of a we.apon people scrambled for cover. an airport spokespern sosaid a gun found during a bag check went off when the passenger lunged for it.he r repee oplefe sufremid nor now urto eops e cov cidrisis. day, the w horldeahlt ortiginaona wrn aeds mnya as 500,000 lepeop cldou die there ofovid by spring. as cbs iiamtz tyareb p,orts moore gvemernnts are turning to hahecor vid restiorictns, sparking widpresead reporr:te an ogyr of violence ha tt s how the mayor of rotamterd dcresibed last nighs t riot. itas w triggered by a threeee-wk partial lockdown as covid rates continue to skyckroet. riers set fires and smashed cars, while police shot live unds. at least seven peoplwee re reinjud ridung the