Feb 22, 2021
To the Editor:
The resurgence of COVID-19 has created new economic and financial uncertainty for cities and towns. Communities that succeed in an increasingly competitive contest for revenue-producing development will be those that prepare now for future opportunities. Projections of COVID-related revenue losses to Wareham provide a clear warning that we must act now to secure our financial future. FXM Associates, a Mattapoisett economic research firm, estimates that Wareham will lose $930,000 to $1,500,000 in revenue over the next five years due to COVID.
A 275-acre parcel off Glen Charlie Road presents Wareham with a unique opportunity to create new, sustainable revenue. Because it is zoned for residential use, however, the town cannot currently depend on the parcel to generate sustainable net revenues. An amendment to be considered by a special town meeting on March 13 would expand options for the site to also include commercial development.