Contract drugmaker Emergent Biosolutions said on Tuesday its over-the-counter naloxone-based nasal spray as a treatment for suspected opioid overdose would be reviewed on a priority basis by the FDA.
A naloxone-based nasal spray used to effectively reverse opioid overdoses could be available over the counter by March, after the FDA prioritized its approval Tuesday.
Contract drugmaker Emergent Biosolutions said on Tuesday its over-the-counter nasal spray as a treatment for suspected opioid overdose would be reviewed on a…
Analysts expect Opiant Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:OPNT – Get Rating) to announce $7.13 million in sales for the current quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. Three analysts have made estimates for Opiant Pharmaceuticals’ earnings. The highest sales estimate is $10.00 million and the lowest is $5.70 million. Opiant Pharmaceuticals reported sales of $6.39 million during the same […]