Stefan Saunders home in Clonee
The court also heard details of Tammy Saunders dress making business which netted her less than €30,000 in the last year it was operating before the pandemic. She pays rent of €500 a month for a showroom.
The court heard that for three years she has been in receipt of a further €280 per week in social welfare back to work payments as she established her business before relying on the PUP. She owns a BMW car worth €7,000.
Forty-three-year-old Stefan Saunders told the court that he hasn’t worked since he was released from prison but was a plasterer up until the year 2010. He was freed form jail last September and has been in receipt of job seekers allowance ever since.
SUSPECTED tiger kidnapper Stefan Saunders faces losing his plush home to the Criminal Assets Bureau after they issued a Proceeds of Crime case against him.
Saunders has applied for free legal aid to fight off the Bureau’s claims to his house in Clonee, west Dublin, and another home in Finglas,on the capital’s northside, which they will allege that he bought with money he earned through crime.
The house at Hazelbury Park in Clonee has been decorated at huge expense, with marble and high-end fittings, and is understood to be the pride and joy of Saunders and wife Tammy, who regularly shows it off on social media postings.