is going to tell us what this gunman had to do, either to shoot his way in or bypass that security to get to a point where he has access to the building and got into the third floor and shoot into the building. our understanding is at this point from federal officials is he had a valid i.d. to get him on the base. and the vehicle checks for someone with a valid i.d. that s not a maintain tour vehicle check. typically not. if someone has a valid i.d. and they are not demonstrating suspicious behavior they will be allowed on the base. there are random vehicle checks. but occasionally they will do checks even if they have a valid i.d. seen they do a check with dogs and personnel to make sure you are not bringing anything illegal on to the base but it s he got in with the weapons. this is not a forward operating station in afghanistan, someone with a gun would be a rare sight.
if someone has a valid i.d. and they are not demonstrating suspicious behavior they will be allowed on the base. there are random vehicle checks. but occasionally they will do checks even if they have a valid i.d. seen they do a check with dogs and personnel to make sure you are not bringing anything illegal on to the base but it s he got in with the weapons. this is not a forward operating station in afghanistan, someone with a gun would be a rare sight. it would have been an immediate trigger. normally the only people you see armed were the forwards at the gate and guards at the buildings and the random police patrols around the base. typically if he was a civilian that would have been it could have been an indicator. but you saw from the people killed, 12 civilians.