or absolutely surfing, the internet provides a wealth of information. for many the world wide web is a security concern specifically when it comes to wifi. that led many americans to hook up secure pass word routers. your friendly neighbor would be out of luck. there is a growing movement for open wireless. but is it safe? is it good for america? let s ask senior editor for good magazine. cord sb is this good for america sh. yes, we believe it is. the best analogy i can give for open wifi is municipal roads. just as americans depend on municipal roads for daily travel, nearly 90% of americans depend on internet an their daily lives. more an more americans depend on this service just to go about their davely lives. because municipalities have the need to catch up, what we are advocating is for more and more priefr at citizens to open up
hot spots so fellow neighbors and community neighbor kes go into and use their wifi when need be. if they are caught in a jam and don t have a wifi network open for themselves. let s bring in senior staff the electronic frun tier foundation who is an advocate for open wireless. peter, i understand the case as cord lays it out, but i worry too about peem being able to hack into your stuff. shouldn t municipalities and governments make sure every place is a hot spot? why do we have to do it. the security concerns and privacy concerns are what sm what real. what we want to do is address them and provide people with an easy and safeway it say, i m going to have an open wireless network but i won t have to worry about security and privacy concern. one part of that is to move toward web sites that are inherently secure.
so your pass word and account can t be seen by anyone else on your network. so the thing that you need to get there is instead of having http website, you need https website. if you use that, it doesn t matter if the wifi is open or closed were pass word or not, it is safe. so we can help people bet that. but we also want to have a special but yn on routers in the future that basically said open but secure and when you press that button your neighbors, passers by can use the network but you don t have to worry about the security implications when you do that. i understand and that sounds reasonable. but when i read things like the case in buffalo where the authorities apparently stormed in and ransacked somebody s house, went through their stuff, arrested it because of something their neighbor was doing with child porn or some such, using his wifi, isn t there a tremendous potential for
your android phone at starbucks or any other location at open wifi, there s a warning that you might want to hear. scientists say they found a major security flaw that affects all android phones. gives hackers easy access to your calendars, photos, contacts, all of this happening over the unsecured wireless network that you re using. google says it is aware of the problem and a fix is already in place for the calendar and contacts applications in the latest versions. what about the pictures? what about those pictures? that s why there s pictures of me all over the place. rob marciano is down in louisiana talking about the oyster harvest and what the state of that harvest is. with everything they ve gone through down there. and he s going to tell us if they re safe to eat. save the date. this saturday could be tend of the world. it is also jeanne moos birthday. so she s celebrating early, just in case. excuse me.
good morning. welcome. it s thursday morning, may 19th. we have a lot of news this morning including some breaking news. let s begin with that breaking news. the resignation of dominique strauss-kahn as head of the international monetary fund. this move comes just before a bail hearing today in new york. we re seeing this mug shot for first time. the former imf chief is facing sexual assault charges for allegedly attacking a maid in his manhattan hotel room. he says he is not guilty. resigning from the imf so he can defend himself fully. here is part of a statement he released. quote, i think at this time first of my wife, whom i love more than anything, of my children, of my family of my friends. i want to say that i deny with the greatest possible firmness all of the allegations that have been made against me. i want to protect this institution, which i have served with honor and devotion, and especially i want to devote all of my strength, all of my time and all of my