The European Council has decided to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, Charles Michel, President of the EU Council, announced on X on Thursday.
Helping members pursue financial well-being
During the past year, optimism has been often difficult to find. Conversations, minds, and hearts have been heavy. In the midst of a worldwide pandemic, the fragility of our diversity has been exposed. If we open our eyes, there are many examples of unfortunate realities surrounding equity and inclusion. Our individual credit unions, the Credit Union National Association, not even the Royal Family are able to ignore the need to respond to these challenges.
While softened by economic impact payments, as well as the many other mitigations included in Covid-19 relief bills including the current American Rescue Plan, the recovery period will have a lasting impact on small businesses as well as people’s household financial budgets. To combat inequities and provide help for our members and communities, including Hispanic, Native Americans, African Americans, or Asian Americans, we must continue our mission as credit unions. We need
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Many small businesses have been hurt or even destroyed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Owners may have lost their business and their funds. One of the legal tools that can help some owners recover is the business cooperative, or “co-op.”
Co-ops are organizations in which people or businesses band together to help themselves. Usually the co-op seeks to complete a task or function better or less expensively or with more control over the process, than members could accomplish individually. Our business and social communities have countless examples of co-ops. Here are a few: