Woolwich first responders observed Fire Prevention Month by holding an open house at the fire house Wednesday, Oct. 18; meanwhile upstairs the selectboard was holding a brief business meeting. Many parents brought their children to the open house.
Woolwich Road Commissioner Jack Shaw is asking Route One motorists to be patient as work commences on a water main project near the Route 127 intersection. Shaw told the selectboard Aug. 16, he recently spoke to the contractor, Bath Water District.
Woolwich selectmen signed a letter of intent Aug. 2 for a Maine Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) requested by Ben Davis of Nobleboro. Davis, owner of OpBox, plans to sell modular structures and other products made from recycled plastic in.
Woolwich selectmen are not interested in becoming a “community partner” with Wiscasset Community Center. That would have cost Woolwich $6,000 annually and offered residents reduced rates for WCC memberships and for participation in the parks and.
According to results Election Day, Nov. 8, Woolwich Selectman Dale Chadbourne won another term, with 1,207 votes; the night’s count also showed Allen Greene keeping his seat, with 724 votes to challenger Thomas Davis’s 720. Davis asked for a recount.