so mark murray joining us, but over 400,000 were deported last year and actions may speak louder than words here, so what about president obama being there to give that speech today? h. well, thomas, a lot of 2012 because the latino vote is important. and latinos have had two main gripes with the obama administration and one is not to achieve comprehensive immigration reform and the second is having to do with the deportations that you mentioned, but from the white house perspective, the deportations is what they need to get republican votes to ever have a chance of passing the comprehensive immigration reform, and the republicans said, president obama, you need tougher on the border and tougher mechanisms and the white house with deportation and other mechanisms said we have delivered and now it is time for you to help us pass comprehensive immigration reform. when we talk about the president being there to give the speech, there is a report that all of the gop candidates wereç
year and actions may speak louder than words here, so what about president obama being there to give that speech today? h. well, thomas, a lot of 2012 because the latino vote is important. and latinos have had two main gripes with the obama administration and one is not to achieve comprehensive immigration reform and the second is having to do with the deportations that you mentioned, but from the white house perspective, the deportations is what they need to get republican votes to ever have a chance of passing the comprehensive immigration reform, and the republicans said, president obama, you need tougher on the border and tougher mechanisms and the white house with deportation and other mechanisms said we have delivered and now it is time for you to help us pass comprehensive immigration reform. when we talk about the president being there to give the speech, there is a report that all of the gop candidates wereç invited to attend, but ty all turned down the invites. what mor
crapo, and both of them were involved deeply in drafting this compromise, so can you see this something you would support? h. well, it is what i have heard, and half a trillion in cuts now is a big cut and the trillion of revenue generation and what are the tax loopholes closed? we have different definitions of what that is, and then when you look at it with the piece of it that you mentioned that requires a 2/3 majority vote of congress that is to overturn or to advance, i don t think that you can bind a subsequent consequence and i know you can t, so that would take a constitutional amendment to get to a supermajority requirement or otherwise a simple majority would go right in notwithstanding the language of the super majority, and so there are moving parts to it. what i do like is that the democrats and the republicans have proposed hard choices presented to the american people and when that happens it tells
and not a grand hostage negotiation. joining me is stephen king, a republican from ohio. thank you for coming on. thank you for having me. tom coburn is conservative and saxby chambliss, and mark crapo, and both of them were involved deeply in drafting this compromise, so can you see this something you would support? h. well, it is what i have heard, and half a trillion in cuts now is a big cut and the trillion of revenue generation and what are the tax loopholes closed? we have different definitions of what that is, and then when you look at it with the piece of it that you mentioned that requires a 2/3 majority vote of congress that is to overturn or to advance, i don t think that you can bind a subsequent consequence and i know you can t, so that would take a constitutional amendment to get to a supermajority requirement or otherwise a simple majority
the murdochs are not being accustomed to ask questions like that, and people will want to say they are not afraid of the murdochs and they will be cheeky as they can b and the chances are that they will hide behind the lawyers and say as little as they k and they will keep repeating that they don t want the interfere with any of the police investigations, and rebecca brooks is up in front of the parliamentary committee, too, and she was arrested yesterday, but it gives her a certain cover that she cannot dare say in public anything that would harm the police investigation. but if that is the strategy and we see rupert murdoch holding back that this is all being investigated, how does that help him to get control of the situation? because many have said that the 80-year-old is taking pride to be in front of the scandal or being the artist of the spin, if you will, but now if he testifies and he is cagey tomorrow, that seems that it would be more damaging? h. well, better than losing