If you've got your eyes set on a new winter jacket this season, then you can likely save a lot of money this weekend at the LJJ Essentials winter jacket warehouse sale in Laval.
It's that time of year again: winter jacket season. As the calendar turns, winter is right around the corner in Montreal, and with the city's temperatures gradually decreasing, you might find yourself growing colder. Before you're left shivering in surprise, make sure you've got that trusty winter jacket on standby.
Montreal's winter season is upon us with more snow on the way, and with it comes all the hassle of figuring out what to wear every day based on minute changes in temperature, precipitation and iciness. It's not fun, per se, but dressing in weather-appropriate fashion is important not just for your physical health but also for your social standing. Nobody likes the guy who tells everyone he can survive the winter in shorts, least of all his frostbite doctor.