There are many options for a good bowl of pho in Montreal that will keep you both full and satisfied, with lively, affordable Vietnamese restaurants in practically every corner of the city. A new Vietnamese restaurant, Pho Ly Quoc Subut, offers a more serene environment than many and a build-your-own-pho option without sacrificing anything on affordability or portion size the bowls are massive.
Dozens of street food vendors will take to the Quai de l'Horloge in the Montreal Old Port once again this year for the third edition of the Festival StreetFood Montréal. Details are few so far. The festival dates aren't even out yet. But the festival is on the Montreal Old Port summer calendar and its website promises a four-day return in July. Online, organizers bill the event as a celebration of Montreal's "vibrant culinary culture."
"Night market" in Vietnamese is Chợ Đêm, and that's the name of this brand-new food and cultural festival taking over Griffintown's Peel Bassin this June. Organized by the Association Vietnamiens Québecois (AVQ), Chợ Đêm will bring together dozens of vendors, performers and musicians to share the "rich cultural heritage of Vietnam," according to a recent press release.
Montreal's food scene is about to get a spicy new addition this summer with the opening of a brand-new Vietnamese restaurant. Hang, which promises haute cuisine, is taking traditional mom-and-pop Vietnamese dishes to the next level with bold flavours and daring new creations.
Nothing soothes the soul quite like a good soup in the wintertime. Luckily, Montreal is home to several must-try pho spots that are bound to warm you and your taste buds up. These nine Montreal pho restaurants serve up a delish classic pho, and according to Google Maps, are some of the city's most popular joints.