Analyst Chloe Lemarie from Jefferies research considers the stock attractive and recommends it with a Buy rating. The target price remains set at EUR 280. | June 7, 2023
Analyst Alberto Gandolfi from Goldman Sachs research considers the stock attractive and recommends it with a Buy rating. The target price remains unchanged at EUR 13.20. | June 7, 2023
Analyst Emmanuel Papadakis from Deutsche Bank research considers the stock attractive and recommends it with a Buy rating. Previously set at CHF 105, the target price has been raised to CHF 110. | June 6, 2023
Analyst Tim Wunderlich from Hauck & Aufhauser research considers the stock attractive and recommends it with a Buy rating. The target price remains set at EUR 29.50. | June 6, 2023
Analyst Daniel Roeska from Bernstein research considers the stock attractive and recommends it with a Buy rating. The target price is unchanged and still at EUR 90. | June 6, 2023