though she was invited. we have three people for gays against guns, dressed as barbara comstock, trying to put pressure on the representative to come here and talk to her constituents about gun control. they re about to get started. a full slate, a lot of local politicos here want to get their names before these people. after all, hillary clinton won this district by 10% in 2016. so a lot of eyes on suburban districts just like this around the counties of washington, d.c. and northern georgivirginia. ugaa marathon. it s a series of smart choices. like using glucerna to replace one meal or snack a day. only glucerna has carbsteady. unique blends of slow-release carbs to help manage blood sugar.
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israelis did not want an abrupt withdrawal of americans. they don t want a syria controlled by country named russia, turkey or iran. i ll pause it here. you are sticking around. up ahead, the white house new russia crackdown and one issue we haven t tackled yet. the most aggressive one yet. members of putin s inner circle facing harsh punishments but is it too late. and how can russia fire back? that is next. lood sugar isn t a marathon. it s a series of smart choices. like using glucerna to replace one meal or snack a day. only glucerna has carbsteady. unique blends of slow-release carbs to help manage blood sugar. every meal. every craving. it s the choices you make when managing blood sugar that are the real victories. glucerna. everyday progress. when this guy got a flat tire