News and advice for smallbusiness owners. Included profiles of smallbusiness owners, detailing the challenges theyve faced and successes theyve achieved;. They are still an active band and entered into new territory, beer. Learn how they made their way from Oom Bop To Mmm hops. In 1997, Three Brothers in tulsa, oklahoma took the world by storm with the catchy chorus. With the success of oom bop, they became bonified rock stars. Its hard, but fun. Theres so many rewards in it. You can feel the excitement of the accomplishment. We started music as independents and we developed that idea and that identity as we started our own label. Being an entrepreneur. With an Entrepreneurial Mind set, they were not content with
just sticking with music. We have always been intentional. I think we had the dangerous combination of believing the dream, trying and having success doing it. Once you feel that and know thats possible, it opens up this idea that you can build the next thing. For them, the ne
i would love to have some insight around how to build out a sales process for software as a service business. here s two things to keep in mind when building a sales process around that. one is lead generation. if you re online and selling to software as a service, trust me, your customers will be online as well, which means you want to be driving ads, google ad words, facebook ads, onlines aer have tiesi i advertising is the best way to get leads. number two, have a good crm system in-house. customer management system. the best ones out there integrate to your website as leads come in. people can fill out information on your website and it goes into your crm system.