Emergency Response to Accidents Involving Livestock
Emergency Response to Accident Involving Livestock virtual training
The Emergency Response to Accident Involving Livestock (ERAIL) program is focused on providing resources and training for people that potentially could be involved in responding to an accident where animals are involved. This virtual training provides participants with the information needed to effectively and efficiently respond to these types of accidents. Following this training, participants will have a better understanding of the types of situations that can occur with accidents involving animals, animal handling and behavior, incident command and accident response, along with the types of tools and equipment needed during an accident response. Additional hands-on training opportunities are also offered and participants in the D2L course are encouraged to partake in these activities.
Online Courses
The MSU Product Center will be making available several online courses for self-paced learning in the summer of 2021. These offerings will be hosted on the Desire to Learn (D2L) educational platform. See instructions on how to register below.
To register for this course you will need to create an account, sign in with your email/password, and complete the registration process. To watch a video tutorial, demonstrating an overview of the registration process, click on the following link: Online Course Registration Video Tutorial. Step-by-step instructions are below.
Create your MSU Guest Account/Community ID and Password: Create Your Account.