president obama, or fema s fault. he thinks it s john boehner for not pushing through onle fema the sandy relief bill when they had a vote on the fiscal cliff. does he have a point. it s a bad week to be a republican. this has been a debacle, this is a self-inflicted wound on the part of the house leadership. they were so busy capitulating on the fiscal cliff, they bother to explain to the american people why they weren t going to capitulate on this pork-laden bill. they have chris christie and peter king, and he s saying i instructed people to do this and that, and looks like he instructed democrats to load this thing one with pork, pork, pork, and half the money this bill is for long-term mitigation efforts that have nothing to do with sandy victims and not for relief of sandy victims. got money for fisheries in alaska and mississippi and money for the roof of the