Onex Co. (OTCMKTS:ONEXF – Get Rating) shares hit a new 52-week low during trading on Wednesday . The company traded as low as $43.91 and last traded at $46.18, with a volume of 3670 shares. The stock had previously closed at $46.65. Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades A number of research analysts have commented on the […]
Onex Co. (OTCMKTS:ONEXF – Get Rating) announced a dividend on Friday, March 31st, reports. Stockholders of record on Thursday, April 6th will be given a dividend of 0.0738 per share on Sunday, April 30th. This represents a dividend yield of 0.64%. The ex-dividend date is Wednesday, April 5th. Onex Stock Performance Onex stock opened […]
Onex Co. (OTCMKTS:ONEXF – Get Rating) declared a dividend on Friday, March 31st, reports. Investors of record on Thursday, April 6th will be given a dividend of 0.0738 per share on Sunday, April 30th. This represents a dividend yield of 0.64%. The ex-dividend date is Wednesday, April 5th. Onex Stock Up 0.3 % ONEXF […]
Onex Co. (OTCMKTS:ONEXF – Get Rating) announced a dividend on Friday, March 31st, reports. Investors of record on Thursday, April 6th will be given a dividend of 0.0738 per share on Sunday, April 30th. This represents a yield of 0.64%. The ex-dividend date is Wednesday, April 5th. Onex Price Performance Shares of ONEXF stock […]
Onex Co. (OTCMKTS:ONEXF – Get Rating)’s stock price passed above its fifty day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a fifty day moving average of $51.35 and traded as high as $51.83. Onex shares last traded at $51.67, with a volume of 449 shares traded. Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth ONEXF […]