They knew it belonged to me when one. Expropriation. Fundamental destruction starvation. The price the government corporate. The selling out of a country. That dont fear no heart. Starts december twenty ninth on t. W. Welcome to in good shape coming up losing weight the wii going away does it work and is it safe. Polly neuropathy how do sensory disorders happen and what can be done to stop them and hygiene how clean do things really have to be heres your
host dr costly go to out happy birthday chilly here you have the girls day to hear happy birthday dear calls to happy birthday to you. Scientists from the British Royal from a Surgical Society tell us that we have to sing happy birthday twice while we wash our hands all the British Government this is what im going to discuss today with dr to be a comma here at the charity in the late happy birthday to the. Hygiene is important in everyday life especially hand hygiene hand washing but dont overdo it today we have a real. The exciting sh
a constant risk of infection. and she s one of a growing number of cases says her dermatologist. as the i mean we see quite a number of patients with changes to the skin on their hands and they tend to be people who have frequent contact with water when cleaning products made about how and why new ones mattoon. excessive use of aggressive disinfectants has dried her skin out. it hurts a lot when my hands are so dry skin tears it s not just a cosmetic thing it goes deep down and command us and is effectively worn out through cleaning the damage is extensive which means it can take a long time before this any chance of a healing. even just washing your hands with soap placing stress on the skin protective layer the micro biome. then it s time to regenerate. disinfectants kill bacteria but at the same time attack the micro biome
use antibacterial cleaning products assuming they would protect her daughter from getting ill. but instead they ve left the skin on her hands chopped and a constant risk of infection. and she s one of a growing number of cases so don t tell it just. as a dam here we see quite a number of patients with changes to the skin on their hands and they tend to be people who have frequent contact with water when cleaning products device how and why new ones mattoon. excessive use of aggressive disinfectant has dried her skin out. hurts a lot when my hands are so dry skin tears it s not just a cosmetic thing it goes deep down and come out as. is effectively worn out through cleaning the damage is extensive which means it can take a long time before this any chance of a healing. even just washing your hands with soap
instead they ve left the skin on her hands chopped and a constant risk of infection. and she s one of a growing number of cases says her dermatologist. as a dam here we see quite a number of patients with changes to the skin on their hands and they tend to be people who have frequent contact with water when cleaning products and about how and why new ones mattoon. excessive use of aggressive disinfectants has dried her skin out. hurts a lot when my hands are so dry skin tears it s not just a cosmetic thing it goes deep down and come out as. is effectively worn out through cleaning the damage is extensive which means it can take a long time before this any chance of a healing. even just washing your hands with soap placing stress on the skins protective layer the micro biome. it then needs time to regenerate. disinfectants kill bacteria but at the same time attack the microbiome