The long-awaited smartphone from OnePlus has finally arrived in India. With the launch of the OnePlus Nord CE5G smartphone, priced at Rs 22,999, OnePlus has generated quite a stir. In the Nord series, OnePlus, which had earlier solely introduced luxury smartphones, is delivering mid-range devices. Last year, OnePlus released the Nord series. The OnePlus Nord smartphone was
OnePlus Nord CE 5G will come fuelled by a 4,500mAh battery with 30T Plus warp fast charging support. The company claims that the phone can be charged from 0 to 70 percent in just 30 minutes. OnePlus Nord CE 5G To Get 4,500mAh Battery With 30T Plus Warp Charging Support.
OnePlus Nord CE 5G India launch set for June 10. The India-exclusive upcoming OnePlus Nord will be available on Amazon after release. Ahead of launch, here’s everything we know about the new Nord so far. Check specs, price, livestream details and more.
OnePlus Nord CE 5G top features to look at before buying: The 5G phone is tipped with sleek display, better camera. Check expected price in india, full specs and more.