At a price point of Rs 23,999, OnePlus Nord CE 2 is a great phone but it demands a few sacrifices. The question is: does this phone justify the compromises it demands?
The OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G is now on sale in India. And as it usually happens with new OnePlus phones, this one too goes on sale with some launch offers that make it a feature-packed and slick-looking phone at rather affordable prices.
The OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G is now on sale in India. And as it usually happens with new OnePlus phones, this one too goes on sale with some launch offers that make it a feature-packed and slick-looking phone at rather affordable prices.
Today evening, OnePlus will launch at least three new products: the OnePlus Nord CE 2, the OnePlus TV Y1S and the OnePlus TV Y1S Edge. The three products, yet again, promise to give Indian consumers top features at more affordable prices. You can watch the OnePlus Nord CE 2 launch event live on YouTube.
OnePlus India has officially launched the Nord CE 2 5G smartphone today in India. The device will go on sale from February 22, 2022, via Amazon India and the OnePlus India website. 📲 OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G Launched in India at Rs 23,999; First Sale on February 22, 2022.