is going t to be a smamash. bubut we got a a lot of placemenents togetheher. we wororked on xscscape. [xscape, holdld on ] (singing) hold on to l love. hold on to love. kandi burruss: we loved that song so much that sean produced. i feel like people really appreciate real vocals baback then. peopople loved r r&b back tht. r&r&b was, i w would say,, biggerer than hip p hop. cariri champion:n: so we havavs emergence e of black g girl grs who o are very unanapologeti. and they re singing g a differerent type o of song. anand i believeve truly, f fo, that was the start o of women singing in a v very empowewered. sean hall: my first pop hit would probably be no more on 3lw.. [3[3lw, no momore ] (singng) yoyou do or yoyou don t, d do. you will o or you won n t, won. no m more. yeah, yeahah. sidney madadden: so wiwithin e pantheonon of black k girl gros of the l late 90s and earlrly 2000 s,, 3lw w definitelyly had ststaying powewer. ththey had a s steady fandnd.
i also dididn t say ththat they. settlementnt negotiatitions betn partieies are confnfidential and d cannot bee discusussed in pubublic. can thisis case settttle? anything i is possiblele. shirirley halpererin: it s l , itit s really y hard to knknowe your sympapathy lays in thesese situationons. but inin terms of f shake it t, look, she e has so manany his to h her name ththat givingg up 50% o of this onene song is not goioing to breaeak the b. she s gogoing to bee absolutetely fine. and d many artisists haveve preemptivively gogone throughgh this stepe. and i i wouldn t b be surprisd if t they settleled too because ththe publicneness of a a trial, i i think, is much momore damamaging ultimimately. and the e payout couould be mucuch larger.. [clolock tickingng] chloe melalas: it was s a quit monday, , slow news s day.
[the souound of musisic, my favorite t things ] (s(singin) girls in w white dresssses with b blue satin n sashes. snowflakeses that stayay on mymy nose and d eyelashes.. itit started o over those e si- boomom, boom t that sisimple littltle thing. and then t taking it t to the e future, ththough, and d doing a cocompletely different t interpretatation of. (sininging) my l lips, ststop watchining. my neck k is flossy.y. mamake big depeposits. mymy gloss is s popping. itit was a litittle bit scscy bebecause you u re takingg this iconinic song andnd we e literally y trapping i it out and makiking it and being like, my w wrist, my b butt andl of thohose other t things. and they c could have e been l, oh, nono, no, no, , no, no, n. we c cannot haveve this iconc song s sounding lilike this. lisa resespers francnce: ariaa grandede agreed toto sign over% of thehe royaltieses of that song to o the estatete of rodgs and hahammerstein.n. she gogot permissision from tm and d that was t the deal
i i drew partltly on expereris in my lifefe, and in p particu, unrelelenting publblic scrutiy of m my personalal life. inteterviewer 8:8: led zeppeln guguitarist, j jimmy page,, is defenending himseself. intervrviewer 9: k katy perrys not ththe only onene who is dedg with a a lawsuit l like this. mikael woooo: you ve s seen ththis with a a lot of artrts in t the past fifive or so years wiwith sam smimith. ininterviewer r 10: sam smsmitd normani i are facingng a copypyright lawswsuit. dua lilipa s levivitating legal drdrama contininues. [dueue lipa, lelevitating ] (singiging) if youou want to n awayay with me, , i know a galaxy, , and i coululd take u fofor a ride.. lisa resespers francnce: dua la is facacing copyriright allegags from a paiair of compoposers- [cory y daye, wigiggle and gie all l night ] (s(singing) so the ananswer to ththis riddle n yoyou re caughght up in ththe e of t the devil a and the e deep blue e sea. whwho say that the song g s actualally based o on a song t
so i w worked withth arianana on 7 rinings , and itit was an incredibible experieience. just w we threw itit back wh just taking a classic melody with favororite thingsgs. [the souound of musisic, my favorite t things ] (s(singin) girls in w white dresssses with b blue satin n sashes. snowflakeses that stayay on mymy nose and d eyelashes.. itit started o over those e si- boomom, boom t that sisimple littltle thing. and then t taking it t to the e future, ththough, and d doing a cocompletely different t interpretatation of. (sininging) my l lips, ststop watchining. my neck k is flossy.y. mamake big depeposits. mymy gloss is s popping. itit was a litittle bit scscy bebecause you u re takingg this iconinic song andnd we e literally y trapping i it out and makiking it anand being like, my w wrist, my b butt andl of thohose other t things. and they c could have e been l, oh, nono, no, no, , no, no, n. we c cannot haveve this iconc song s sounding lilike this. lisa resespers francnce: a