Later in our video library. Well leave now as the u. S. House is gaveling in for legislative work, taking up five bills including measures on hezbollah sanctions. Later today, theyll also begin debate on the 2018 budget resolution, including that path forward on tax reform. Theyll take up the rules for debate for tomorrows bill. Live house coverage on cspan. Senator capito [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] girata, st. Michael and all Angels Episcopal Church, dallas, texas. Reverend girata let us pray, gracious god, we thank you for the gift of this life and ask your blessing upon the world you have made, have compassion on those who suffer any grief or trouble. Give to the people of our count try a zeal for justice and we may use our liberty in accordance with your gracious will. Guide who govern and hold authority in this nati
Recognized for one hour. I appreciate that. I would like to yield 30 minutes to my friend from massachusetts. Without objection. The gentleman is recognized for his much time as he would like. Thank you mr. Speaker. It is budget day. I dont know if you are excited about that. To be fair, i sit on the budget committee. I have a great honor sitting on the rules committee. By day i serve on the budget committee. We have been working since january to produce a budget for the United States of america. We produced a whale of a budget coming out of the house rules committee. Collaborativestic job bringing that budget to the floor. Then it went to the senate. You know how this happens. Watching, im bill, we all know the song from our childhood. It is a long process to move a bill through. Nine times out of 10 it comes back different me from the senate than the way we sent it over there. We have an opportunity today by rulerring, if we pass this , and concur on the Senate Amendment, and bring a
They expect to finish the budget gentleman from georgia is recognized for one hour. Mr. Woodall thank you very much. And id like to say during consideration of this resolution all time is yielded for purpose of debate only. I yield 30 minutes to mr. Mcgovern pending which i yield myself as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Woodall i would like to ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized mr. Woodall mr. Speaker, its budget day and i dont know if you are as excited about that when you got out of bed this morning as i was, but to be fair, i sit on the Budget Committee. I have the great honor of sitting on the rules committee and i bring this rule to the floor today, but by other i serve on the rules committee by night and by day i serve on the Budget Committee with mr. Pascrell and we have been working since january t
Board, and several bills to prevent wildfires. Watch live Health Coverage on cspan. On thursday, the u. S. House debated and passed the 2018 budget resolution, which sets overall 2018 federal spending at 1. 132 trillion. It requires committees to work on tax reform. House passed bill to 16 to 212 after the Senate Approved it last week. I will show you the start of the debate from wednesday. It is an hour and a half. Very much. And id like to say during consideration of this resolution all time is yielded for purpose of debate only. I yield 30 minutes to mr. Mcgovern pending which i yield myself as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Woodall i would like to ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized mr. Woodall mr. Speaker, its budget day and i dont know if you are as excited about that when you got out of bed this morn
Reliably republican going back almost to george washington. [ laughs ] treasurer, controller, coroner, clerk of courts. I know. I mean, were talking 1799 theyve held power. Yeah. How do you look at this . Did you see it coming, or did you find some things surprising in exit polling . All right, well, lets start with this. First of all, the four collar counties have been trending republican for almost two decades. Very slowly at first. It began in montgomery county. Trending republican or trending democrat . Im sorry, trending democratic. In the municipalities close to philadelphia. And if you look at statewide elections and president ial elections, three of the four, sometimes four of the four have gone with the democratic candidates. So basically what happened, the reaction to trump, to president trump, the controversies accelerated a trend that has been underway in this state for two decades at least. It accelerated it why . Because the democratic turnout went up. The republican turn