It. Thank you. The Fitness App available now to avoid looking like that to be special. Coming up you got to have it in for the right person to pick up a dark and lonely night. Where the panel is sticking up, how in, it is next. First, a preview of the Growth Fox Nation streaming now called just jokes. You can tell youre getting older based on how they approach you walk in new york city. My first day at fox, for guys like brother, who got smoke, we got weed. I walked to my estimate they are likely what we got lipitor, ozempic affect you and your girl are going to sleep good with these brief right strips. [laughter] need
takingng official l action to help h his son enrnrich himsef inin ukraine, , he thinks s ts going to b be a goldenen momet for donald t trump. - over the beginning of 2019, i start getting texts from rudy about ukukraine, texexts about t how hunterer bideden was corrrrupt and d ukraine, a and pepeople need d to look ininto. - - at this popoint, giululiani has r really left truth and facts to the side. he has fulully joined d the consnspiratorialal mentality of president trump and his administration, totally signed on to that. - rudy wants to build a case. so he goes to get evidence. now one of the problems is, is he falllls into this murky woworld of rusussia and ukraine e and all sosorts of comompeting agegendas. and d he demonststrates vevery little e discernmenet as to o who is a r reliable source a and who isnsn t. the proboblem is, ththis wasnt some b backroom dedeal in quee.
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to prepare ourselves for future pandemics and that s something that won t happen nearly enough on capitol hill. i have heard that from officials formally in intelligence that while it might be difficult to land on the exact origins and the focus and the energy and the time spent should be on making sure that this type of virus can t get out again, that if it does come from a lab leak they ll need to protect themselves from a future pandemic. we ll see what comes of this. thank you, congressman. thank you for your time. we have new evidence and a new warning on the climate crisis and our bill weir has literally gone to the ends of the earth to bring you this story. kate, we have a doozy of a live location from the end of the world for you coming up, but the real news is what s happening on the other side of those mountains at the bottom of the world. details coming up. here s a little number you ll never forget. didid you know that liberty mutual custo liberty mutual. only