high and rising in cities like new lick. there was an acute housing shortage a century ago as well with math of overcrowding and terrible sanitary conditions in gloomy tenements as here in berlin poor people often also worked in the spaces where they lived. the bauhaus movement was founded in one thousand nine hundred nineteen and soon came to champion a vision of society and design that was radically new even revolutionary it wanted to create good housing for everybody. to achieve that goal that developed standardised units and industrialized production to bring down costs. it was at the forefront of modernist architecture it championed simple forms free of ornament large windows and light colors. it also pioneered prefabrication at the time it was simply not technically feasible to
affordable housing experts estimate it would take well over a million units to meet demand and construction has lagged way behind rents are high and rising and says he s like munich. there was no queues housing shortage a century ago as well with math of overcrowding and terrible sanitary conditions in gloomy tenements as here in berlin. people often also worked in the spaces where they lived. the bauhaus movement was founded in one thousand nine hundred nineteen and soon came to champion a vision of society and design that was radically new even revolutionary it wanted to create good housing for everybody. to achieve that goal that developed standardize units and industrialized production to bring down costs. at the forefront of modernist architecture championed simple forms free of ornament large
outside. india we live in a time when historical achievements including the separation of powers the parliamentary system and the rule of law are being challenged and questioned even here in europe so. after the first free elections in january one thousand nine hundred nineteen the national assembly met environment and created germany s first democratic legal constitution the cycled weimar constitution. it formalized the principles of sovereignty separation of powers and women s suffrage but the constitution also contained faith to fools. the nation s president had considerable power and could even dissolve parliament in an emergency that was a power hitter and nato used to destroy the young democracy and despite its shortcomings today s german president praised the weimar constitutions ideals.
india we live in a time when historical achievements including the separation of powers the parliamentary system and the rule of law are being challenged and questioned even here in europe so. after the first free elections in january one thousand nine hundred nineteen the national assembly met environment and created germany s first democratic legal constitution the cycled weimar constitution. it formalized the principles of sovereign seem separation of power was and women suffrage but the constitution also contained faith to fools. the nations president had considerable power and could even dissolve parliament in an emergency that was a power hit and nato used to destroy the young democracy and despite its shortcomings today s german president praised the weimar constitutions ideals. does
for the new states the constitution of the weimar republic the government was no longer responsible to the kaiser but to parliament for the first time in german history sovereignty laid with the people. the new constitution and to take up where the failed revolution of eight hundred forty eight had left off reviving the ideals of the national assembly that had met in the polls in frankfurt s the colors black red gold stood for the tradition of freedom in germany and now they wear the colors of the final republic. but the shadow lay over the new beginning. in the spring of one thousand nine hundred nineteen the victorious powers of. the first world war met inversed side