SMILF oozed onto the scene last week in its Showtime premiere that discouraged prayer and encouraged gross immorality and, well, was just gross. In the second episode, "1,800 Filet-o-Fishes & One Small Diet Coke," on November 12, we have more of the same.
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SMILF oozed onto the scene last week in its Showtime premiere that discouraged prayer and encouraged gross immorality and, well, was just gross. In the second episode, 1,800 Filet-o-Fishes & One Small Diet Coke, on November 12, we have more of the same.
In the second scene of the show, main character Bridget (Frankie Shaw) is at a recovery meeting of some kind which is just wrapping up. As the scene opens, the leader is saying, Well, thank you, everyone. That s all the time we have now, so we ll close the meeting like we do every week with a prayer. If you read last week s recap, you know how Bridget feels about that. So, while the group recites the Lord s Prayer, she only joins along with the first two lines, and she changes the words. So, as the group says, Our father, who art in heaven, Bridget says our mother, and, at the end, when everyone says amen, she says a-woman. The word amen obviously has nothing to do with men. It s a word th