Do you want the experience of cooking from a cookbook alongside the convenience of pulling up recipes online? ckbk’s collection of 700 books and 120,000 recipes makes that possible. And a new collaboration with Eat Your Books expands the offerings.
A vegan banana cake by the plant-based geniuses at Bosh (Facebook/Bosh)
The Veganuary challenge, which sees people give up meat and dairy products for the whole month to kick start their New Year, is becoming increasingly popular.
It helps people be more creative in the kitchen, eliminate the majority of processed and packaged foods, be kinder to the planet and also save some money by buying cheaper, fresher produce.
Once the 31 days is finished those taking part often choose to stick to a vegan diet all the time, while others choose to have a ‘vegan day’ once a week to create some of their favourite recipes they’ve discovered from doing the challenge.