milligram pills instant release, oxycodone. probably mixed in with some oxycontin, which is made of oxycodone. it s just time release. i would have been taking anywhere from 1,500 milligrams maybe to maybe a thousand or maybe a thousand milligrams or 1,200 milligrams on a day i didn t take as much or didn t have as much up to, i mean, there are days, many days, a lot of days, most days were more
something that i didn t i can still remember the first time i ever took an oxycontin. can i ask you to answer my question, and then i ll let you explain all you want. my question is how many were you taking a day during this time from january to june. answer that first, please, and if you want to explain i m happy to let you do so. i m not positive, and here s why is because over the years, as i was saying, the first oxycontin, one oxycontin made me literally made me sick. and that was when i was transitioning from hydrocodone to oxycodone. it made me sick because it was a really, really strong one, and so, you know, one oxycontin pill was like ten hydrocodone pills, so but anyway, as i took more and more and over the years it just- you know, you build up a tolerance to pain pills and so what might give me this
0 i think i was selfish and i think i just took the money. i think i understand. i asked you a series of questions yesterday about at least relating one conversation you had with one of these clients, and i m just going to ask you this one, do you remember looking tony satterfield in the eye and lying to him? i remember lying to tony satterfield and i remember looking him in the eye on many occasions. and lying to him? yeah. okay. lying to his family? i lied to his family. i don t know if i did it in person, but i know i had phone conversations with them where i lied to them. okay. let s talk a little bit about the pills, if we can. okay. and you ve already testified as have other people, that you were still able to function as a lawyer over the years despite the pills that you were using. is that correct? yes, sir. and you were able, of course, during this period of time to engage in these relatively complicated thefts that increased over the years that we ve j