the inspectors destroyed everything that could be safely destroyed. the technical advice was some of these are simply too dangerous to handle. they re leaking. saddam had two things he did that were just still to this day amazing to me. one he didn t mark which weapons where is chemical and which were high explosives. this is why some in the u.s. military in 1991 were exposed when they tried to get rid of what they thought were high explosi explosive. he mixed chemical agents in a way no one has ever done. you found sarin mixed with mustard mixed with tear gas. some of these things were simply too dangerous and they were sealed. so it s a relatively small number and like i say, mostly today given the time and heat in iraq, they ve disappeared. now, the iraqi government the inspectors left in 98. in 2000, the u.s. left in the 2011. there have been no eyes on this facility as far as i know since