that was the person that is deceased now, and you re asking me if we feel we re safe. he s the one responsible for this. he is no longer a threat. give me a second. i m getting multiple questions at the same time. i hear something about guns. one gun was seized. was there multiple gun that the suspect was carrying? we don t know yet. [ inaudible question ] uh this morning, when i talked about the information that we had, we put out as much information as we possibly can,
History Colorado Celebrates State's Diverse Communities Through Multiple Offerings in 2023. - DENVER (December 29, 2022) History Colorado is excited to announce a number of ongoing series for the new year. With a new season of our critically acclaimed podcast, discussions of the ways women have changed history, and explorations of the stories and achievements of Black Coloradans, 2023 presents multiple ways for Coloradans to deepen your appreciation for the rich and diverse history of the Centennial State.
“Beware the man who only uses one gun, he knows how to use it.” Who gets credit for this pithy phrase is probably lost to us, but there are no shortages of suggestions. The spirit of the words are more important than the source. Reaching back to World War II and the soldier’s use of […]