the two met for 30 minutes and during the meeting president obama had a private prayer with the 91-year-old evangelist, graham gave the president two bibles, one forel and one for the fired lady. billy graham has counseled commanders in chief since dwight eisenhower in the mid 1950s. martha: summer is just around the corner and drivers beware, because the price at the pump tends to go up in the summer. it seems to happen every year. analysts are predicting a 9 percent jump in gas prices to 3.10 a gallon at the peak of the season. some analysts say the rising prices are another sign that the economy is on the mend. as for fuel prices right now, according to aaa, the average current price is price is 2.85 to fill up at the tank, up a nickel from last month. bill: i paid three bucks over the weekend. it s that season. martha: i know. bill it s 22 minutes before the hour. i want to get you to this difficult job of cleaning up after a deadly on tado rips the death