When Alexander Pope, an English poet wrote in his Essay on Criticism that, ‘A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring’, he meant people should read widely. He held the view that a little learning is a dangerous thing, because it can lead one into thinking that he or […]
If I were the President of Ghana, then, I would have to act and behave like the former Prime Minister of Singapore late Lee Kwan Yew, and the current President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, in Ghana our motherland. I would also be filled with the Spirit of God Almighty, which was in Joseph and Daniel so that I would be like them 100 per cent (Genesis 41 verses 37 to 50, Daniel 2 verses 19 to 23, 6 verses 1 to 3). I would be here to promote solely the welfare and the well-being of Children, Youth and Ordinary people (who are 90% of the population) as against that of Leaders, Elders and Elites (who are just 10% of the population).
Dr Yao Enya Graham, Coordinator, Third World Network-Africa, a pan-African advocacy organization, has called for the need to build linkages to connect the country’s economic sectors for sustained growth. He said the linkages in the country’s agriculture sector were very weak because of the focus on cocoa, while in the…