To her they called her the black. Which they called her a sorceress. They thought that they were doing all kinds of crazy things. He was afraid. The name, the money, defamed, the drama. There is no life that does not have a price. In the heart of milan italy is one of the most prestigious Shopping Streets in the world. To step through the heavy glass doors means crossing the border from the ordinary, and the mundane, into luxury, privilege, and glamour. Really, it is the world that so many people aspired to live in. Once upon a time, just a few blocks from this Fairytale World Of Gold Fringed dresses and thousand dollar handbags, Haute Couture gave live to hatred. Beauty became betrayal. The story makes a greek tragedy look like a children story. It happened, one morning, in march, in 1995 when a man, rich beyond measure, a man in love, strolled into his office, and greeted his dorman with a smile. Then, his worst fears were realized, as he was assassinated, in a hail of bullets. He kn
Case. Elizabeth mattered. She i had gotten a call saying, youll never believe this. Sayin youre like, this is it. It was just a picture, shut up one they on social media back in 2014. It was an early offering on our missing america series. And that bright, open face, the questions that begged for answers. Who was Elisabeth Sullivan . Completely brilliant. She was almost an unacknowledged genius. I dont even know how to describe it, it was like this tornado mom that was disheveled, she was fighting, she will talk here in here and go all over the place. They knew her well, these two. And so they knew in October Of 2014 something very serious was going on. I had never seen her so nervous. She didnt know what to do. Their best friend seem to be on the verge of doing something drastic. She was angry. I dont want to call it frantic, but, you know, it gives you cold sweats. We needed to know. What happened to her . Was she alive . Was she dead . Couldnt know that. There was a story here that
This is an incredibly weak, baseless, convoluted indictment, it is bizarrely centered around what is clearly protected speech, zero criminal statutes, because there are none that were applicable that are actually written into law. It is based on an obscure law from the civil war. Lets be even more clear, this indictment is frankly not worth the paper it is printed on. This is a political persecution, through and through. There is a reason Donald Trumps poll numbers keep going up every single time he goes through yet another attack like this. By liberal activist attorneys general. American people are seeing through all of this, and joe biden socalled department of justice, is now officially completely out of control, joe biden ag Merrick Garland, who signed off on this charade, remember, the department of justice as part of the executive branch. Theyve now gone full Banana Republic. Hes not even making any attempt to reason even the appearance of fairness. Garland and other democrats in
citizen trump. the idea that an american president returns to being an ordinary citizen just like everyone else after they leave office is as fundamental to the concept of america as the bill of rights. we re a nation with no king. and therefore, even the president of the united states is just a citizen. no more, nor less. and as such, they are held to the same laws and provided with the same defenses that you and i get. that is what the three-judge panel on the d.c. circuit court of appeals unanimously ruled today in its crushing legal takedown that counter to trump s stated arguments, presidents do not have complete and absolute immunity from criminal prosecution. and thus, trump must face trial for his alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election. in their ruling they reminded trump what the supreme court has already declared, quote, no man in this country is so high that he is above the law. no officer of the law may set that law at defiance with impunity. all of the of
special what we ve been working on why we ve lived through a truly historic week. and that is not a comment on politics or media, criticism or media speculation. i can tell you as a point of fact the supreme court ruling this week and the d.c. circuit court ruling this week will be taught in law schools and in books about american history for many decades to come. right now in those cases the supreme court is basically grappling with key issues involving citizen, defendant and candidate trump, which could shape not only this year s election, but legal and political boundaries in history as we know it. it s on this monumental day, judicial history. a legal case that could rock the race for the white house. donald trump is now at the center of a u.s. supreme court battle. considering whether the leading candidate for the republican presidential nomination should be banned from running again. it seemed like there were at least seven votes against colorado. he is very