Paytm shares were up 1.91 per cent in Monday's trade. The stock hit a 52-week high of Rs 998.30 on October 20. Macquarie said higher-than-expected losses in the medium term be a downside risk.
Shares of One97 Communications (Paytm) have been experiencing a persistent downward trend, with a decline of over 3 percent on Wednesday, following a more than 6 percent drop in the previous session. The stock has faced a considerable downturn of 31.5 percent in December alone.
India Business News: Paytm, India's digital payments firm, experienced a significant drop of up to 20% in its stock price due to the company's decision to reduce low-value
Vijay Shekhar Sharma’s shareholding in Paytm would increase to 19.42 per cent directly and indirectly, whereas Antfin’s shareholding will reduce to 13.5 per cent. The transaction would be done through an off-market transfer.
Paytm fell 2.57 per cent to hit a low of Rs 525.60. It recovered some ground later and the scrip was trading at Rs 534.10 apiece, still down 1 per cent. Paytm shares had jumped 4 per cent in the previous two sessions