the content, is it produced by reporters or repeaters? at the risk of repeating myself a little bit, repeaters are the talk radio shouters who tell listeners to hate the other side. they re on tv and radio telling the same story every day. repeater outlets like one america news and plays donald trump on a loop and packages made boyer companies. repeaters are all over facebook in hyper partisan groups that cherry-pick stories confrontational memes and make you really rageful. repeaters are twitter trolls who anone mize propaganda and try to wear the rest of us down with their repetition. so much of what they re repeating, so much of the raw material for radio yakkers and facebook posters and all of the rest, it s from reporters, from the people paid to figure out what is true, not what they might want to be true but what is true. here s the important part, okay, there are easy ways to tell the difference between the two, between reporters and repeaters. cnn, for example, has news