month. gold is seen as a safe haven investment. so gold is up, stocks down. i ve been talking to investors throughout the day. after this initial sell off, the general read was this meeting being called off with north korea for now. doesn t necessarily change an investor outlook. maybe it complicated trade negotiations with china. most seem to consider this and to some extent the auto tariffs to be noise. as dan said, the auto tariffs, who knows whether or not they cam to fruition. it s a big time wait and see. it is. a big so what on watt street. the president rolled back restrictions on banks today as well. yeah. that is something that is quite well received in the market. you wouldn t know it today necessarily. financial stocks haven t done that great. many rallied ahead of the bill signing and the watt street saying has been you buy the rumor, sell the news.
we have mark who writes in, the double talk and verbal dodging is completely offensive. they need to be held accountable for their actions and share the financial burden. there are others who say the american people are tired of the inaction in congress. time for us to say no to the gop. a lot of people weighing in on what they saw, whether or not main street is getting the raw end of the deal, no matter how hard they were grilled on watt street. goldman sacks ended up a dollar up. people are focusing in on the fact that people said the word a lot which you don t normally hear in congress. when it comes down to who got anything done, it looked like more of a stalemate than anything. it was interesting it was out there for people to see. we ll see if any changes come because of it.