Singaporean Wesley Godden traded his long non-profit career to start a 200-acre commercial sheep farm in rural Canada. Host Ming Tan joins him as a farmhand to find out what it takes to run the farm.
Desmond Chow developed the world's first crawfish reproductive technology, which breed crawfish that are disease resistant. Ming Tan checks out his crawfish innovation in Cambodia.
It's a sport for the speed-obsessed who push their machines to the limit just to win -never mind the serious damage to the pocket. Rozz joins drone racing fanatics for a ride in the pilot's seat.
In a galaxy not so far away, Rozz joins Singapore’s only Star Wars fan group that performs with lightsabers and discovers the passion and camaraderie that define this community.
Weird incidents and high-profile crime cases have made Yishun infamous on social media. But wonderful things have also found a home in Yishun! So, what does Yishun’s wow side look like?