still had the pages intact. inside the planner, a shock for everyone in the case. it was stunning. quite obviously, it s dangerous. new coppertone sport clear. not thick, not hot, not messy, just clear, cool, protected. coppertone sport clear. proven to protect.
dixon got himself in charge of fire district investments, put public money in what he said was a sure thing. it wasn t. the money vanished. blew as i recall about $750,000 in bad investments for the fire district. reporter: peter hautzinger was, at that time, the mesa county d.a. i made the decision to take that case to the grand jury and ultimately the grand jury decided felony s stupid but not worthy of criminal charges. reporter: then one day a repo man showed up for that shiny new fire truck dixon had donated. it turned out the fire truck was leased and they came and took it away from the fire department. reporter: that s when frank and paige and the whole town found out dixon s money was gone, too. he gave it to someone who pyramid schemed it. reporter: the missing money,
the detective goes, what happened there? i said, well, i burned myself at work. he s like, well, are you good enough of a friend to burn a car down for george, you know? a startling discovery about one of paige s clients. it was a traumatic time in grand junction, colorado, that summer of 2007, what with the fruitless search for the missing mother of three loved by so many who turned out to have secrets and the day planner and voice mails and phone records that seemed to point eight different ways at once, two ex-husbands and six clients. i don t think that i ve ever seen a more difficult case in my entire career. reporter: one by one, the detectives cleared their suspects or tried to. ex-husband number one and current boyfriend, ron beigler. we were able to determine that mr. beigler had been in the denver area through cell phone records. reporter: second husband, rob dixon, the one man she said she feared?
reporter: maybe the case against jones never stood a chance. if you are doing shotty work in the beginning, your investigation becomes sick. it s impossible to make it well again. there are three words when you live with migraine. i am here. aim to say that more with aimovig. a preventive treatment for migraine in adults that reduces the number of monthly migraine days. for some, that number can be cut in half or more. don t take aimovig if you re allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or swelling can happen hours to days after use. common side effects include injection site reactions and constipation. aim to be there more. talk to your doctor about aimovig.
my guess is that he physically subdued her and drove her down to where her body was found but she was conscious and had the ability to throw things out the window or trunk or whatever it was leaving the trail going down to delta and she was ultimately killed not far from where her body was found. reporter: but the defense had its own compelling story to tell or rather stories, a separate tale for each of those alternate suspects. waste of time? well, maybe not. remember, it takes just one juror with reasonable doubt to throw a whole case into well, you ll see. at trial the defense goes hard at the original lead detective in the case. did you actually receive an official reprimand for the poor quality of work you did in this case?