america we haven t seen in decades with a historia cbut red wave. yo a but you ve got to get out and and vote. you go vote early and then t spend your time over the neximt five days making sure everyone, you know, gets out and votend vt because on our countryes and thc future depends on it. we can t continue down thie sdo path for another two years. we won t survive.surv well said, marivedk meadows, whn you think about 2016 and you d think about 2020, you look at, o three swing states in each of those elections and under seventy five thousand votes each election year decided the winner and loser. i mean that is , that is razor thin. ing aboumargins we re talking at here. and then you look at all these. senate races forgot pennsylvania on that list, pennsylvania, georgia, new hampshire,n thatt. nevada, the state of washington, arizona, you look at all thesean states , they all matter. and they all we have to to assu all will be close. well, they ll be very close, john . and i thinre
those are the things thae,t people are thinking about.ices and those undecided voters, they re they re askingrs themselves are a, am i happy win much i m paying in gas or do i feel safe in my community? should i hav he a say over my parents, over my kids schools? y kidsthat is what candidates sd be talking about. and you know wha shot abortion,i six , all those things, that sx, like five or six on the list. and that s where these candidates are honing in on because those late deciders, they re not thinking about june six . they re not thinking aboutabor abortion. they re thinking about my kidst, my my future, the money i cant t put in the bank.hek. and that s wha t candidates have to focus on . all right. i think you ll make great points and we ll find outt on one week from tonight. we ll be talking about the results at least r the results that we have. probably not all the results,al diich is a national disgrace also. thank you. all thank you, mark.race alsan k you almeadow
lubic one how s that? tasty. but they will turn you into a communist because austin is the people s republic of austinst. it really doesn t belong in texas. oh, yeah. but d they do have good tacos. o they are. t tucker austin is so liberal they want to defund the cop in the village people. it s terrible. i think he s the one they likeik . alle. right, question three .hr so joe biden is new publicist is called karine jean-pierreer and it s a tough job and she s had a tough job doing the toughs job. she doesn the seem to answer any questions. phraseead she uses this ,quote, i don t have anything on that. for one point, can you tell us how many times karine jean-pierre didn t haveha anything on that at her julyy 5th briefing was5t five times ws it seven times or was it nine times? e he didn t have anythingha on thatt?. jimmy , is it okay if i check out binder?