Since taking over as president and CEO of On-Target Supplies & Logistics in 2018, Tré Black has led the Dallas-based logistics company to record employment count.
Local governments deposit millions of tax dollars in banks. Some say it s time they demanded racial equity in return.
A responsible banking ordinance would evaluate banks on how well they make loans in poorer neighborhoods if they want to keep governments as clients. Author: David Schechter, Jason Trahan, Chance Horner Published: 9:00 PM CDT May 9, 2021 Updated: 10:21 AM CDT May 10, 2021
DALLAS Decades after the term “redlining” was coined, an ongoing WFAA investigation has shown that many banks are still choosing not to make loans, or do meaningful business, in low-income parts of town, even though federal law mandates they act equitably and don’t discriminate.