wrote for those of you who criticize my dancing videos, i will not be performing on any stages anytime soon with my dad handling what i wear, say, do and think i ve done that for 13 years and i would much rather share videos, yes from a living human instead of on stage in vegas many fans cheering britney on, but legal expert says her social media post could be used as evidence during her ongoing litigation, he says it s important to be careful. if this was a kentucky derby of conservatorships britney spears has taken lead in the final quarter mile stretch she has a lot of momentum in her favor to get to the finish line, what she cannot do is blow it. as of now whitney is not holding back, this weakens post she said she didn t like her sister showed up as an award show and perform songs to her remix, she followed that up by saying my so-called support system hurt me deeply, the
fine, censored court testimony she s not holding back she sharing her 31.7 million followers with frustration and anger torture could and family members including her dad and sister and last night she posted this saying take me as i am or kiss my blank, she also wrote for those of you who criticize my dancing videos i m not quite to be performing on any stages anytime soon with my dad handling what i wear, say, do or think i ve done that for the past 13 years i would much rather share videos from my living room instead of on stage in vegas. she said my so-called support system hurt me deeply the conservatorship killed my dreams so all i have is hope and the only thing in this world is very hard to kill but people still try on friday she posted never forget who ignored you when you needed them and who helped you before you even had to ask. britney also said she didn t like her sister showed up at an
to be performing on any stages anytime soon with my dad handling what i wear, say, do, think i ve done that for the past 13 years i would much rather share videos from my living room instead of on stage in vegas so many fans are cheering britney on legal expert notes that are social media posts could be used as evidence during her ongoing litigation, he says it s important to be careful. if this is like the kentucky derby of conservatorship britney spears has now taken lead in that final quarter mile stretch, she is a lot of momentum going in her favor to get to the finish line, what she can t do is blow it. as of now britney is not holding back and this weakens post she said that she did not like her sister showed up addison award