chemical weapons. brian: 12 to 14 times. gretchen: are we going to believe assad? not that we need to go over and attack them. i m not sure that s the answer. but i don t believe assad and whatever he says. he s been killing his own people for years. brian: germany s c.i.a., their chief said we did intercept a phone call from a high-ranking member of hezbollah telling the iranian embassy that assad made a huge mistake when he gave the order to use chemicals. that according to dere spiegel who took down that quote. steve: i think it is extraordinary they ve got crazy leaks over there like we do here where they say the germans were listening. they were in a ship off the med listening to the intercepts from syria. they also said that apparently one of the things that they did pick up is elements of his regime, it sound like. not the rebel groups. were responsible.
and just returned from the middle east. congressman mike pompeo here next with what he learned about syria. steve: that s right. and a veteran tries to help a boy being bullied, becomes a victim himself. and despite the beating, he said he would do it again. he s going to join us live coming up i m angela, and i didn t think i could quit smoking but chantix helped me do it. i told my doctor i think i m. i m ready. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. i knew that i could smoke for the first 7 days. i knew that i wasn t putting nicotine back into my body to try to quit. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems,
lenses that don t irritate the eye and keep the cornea free, you ve got something. gretchen: i have a sneaking suspicion that if he is no longer ruler of syria he will be no longer with us. there s other stuff to report today including something with hillary clinton. steve: let s take a look. president obama federal budget off dinner with republicans sat down with president obama fresh off dinner with republicans, now he is going to meet with hillary today. it is the full-court press, isn t it? it is indeed. the president continues trying to round up support for a limited strike on libya. at the same time a possible presidential contender expected to offer some help to help the president make his case today. former secretary of state hillary clinton goes to the white house today for a wildlife event. and according to to aides, will comment on syria. she is expected to throw her support behind the president s plan for a limited military attack on syria. she has been criticized for
assad. in the next week, turn it over, all of it. without delay and allow the full and total accounting for that. but he isn t about to do it. the former secretary of state, hillary clinton, goes to the white house today lending support to the president s push for military action. clinton has been criticized for not speaking out after that gas attack in syria last month, but her aides say they will speak on syria today. her appearance comes just one year after the attack on benghazi that killed four americans. the white house chief of staff was grilled yesterday on fox news sunday about why nobody has been arrested for that attack. look, we ve been very clear that we will hold those people who carried out this heinous attack against our people. it s been a year, sir. it has been a year. you know what the united states does, chris? we track every lead until we find and can accomplish what we
remember, that whole situation was just a couple years ago, folks. that was because we were going to get rid of the dictator, gadhafi, right? you were going to support the rebels and maybe have democracy in libya. look what happened there. those rebels were not to be trusted and now you just basically have factions of militia there trying to run some sort of a country there and not very well. is that what would happen in syria? brian: you want to see the ad? steve: yeah. we never set out to spend eight years at war in iraq, or to be mired down in more than a decade of fighting in afghanistan. so what should america expect if we rush into syria alone with no real plan for the consequences? we already know. it gets worse. congress, most americans oppose missile strikes in syria. don t lead us down this road again. call congress and tell them, vote no on military action. brian: you might hear republicans giving president obama a hard time again, you you