support, scott, to take prideg in the fact that we are the fach constantly trying to perfectat his union, a country that once m considered him less than a fullh person, has a chance to makeim him the leader of the free world . for those of you who wonder if america is a racist country,oun, take a look at how people comekt together. all of god s people come together! blac black and white ones, the red wi ones and brown ones working together because love, unconditional love binds hearts together. we are not defined by theof r color of our skin. we are defined by the content of our character. and if anyone tells you anything different, they are lying. and yet we witness once again the harsh reality that ye you can be anything you want to be in this country except ex a black republic. anythingpt a black republica yot a black conservative. tim scott is not the only example of history,e only running to the left contrasts the way justice clarence thomas is treated. with the wa
black men and women at a church because they were black . the gun purchase was obtained because the fbi botched the background check. soe black, and i i would settlei doing what we have asked them t to do. do which includes backgroundificatn checks and pontificating a little bit lesg a s on reinki, the dangers when everybodyra would rank thenk them different right. and remember, we have fbi whistleblowers who have been s coming out lately. steve friend is the one who teve is soms in saying this. he said that what s happening bn is that the the bideng to administration has been trying t to pad the numbers on domestic extremishem events in order to justify that as the most the biggest threat to the average american person. he talks specifically abouhe tat january six , a very unusual practice. the fbi normally considersractin one event to be one case. and instead, on january six ,y e they divided this up into hundreds upon hundreds of separate cases as different points out, again, an f